Thursday 3 December 2015

Why you need to go visit Quebec City and its surroundings

By on 05:40

Having often eclipsed Montreal by the big sister, the city of Quebec knew how to use its charm to attract tourists come from the whole world.

The jewel of the crown of French Canada, city of Quebec is the one more ancient and the most splendid colonies of North America. His old picturesque city is a true living museum: narrow and laid with cobblestones streets, attic houses of the XVIIth and XVIIIth century.

The place been besides classified in the worldwide heritage of the UNESCO. I offer you to visit sites and activities impossible to miss of this superb city of Quebec and the surroundings. The route according to you will allow to visit these places in two or three days (the time which I crossed on place):

1. the old Québec

Come you melt into the mass of tourists as you see and feel the inevitable atmosphere of the city of Québec. Its old town is filled with charm and remember yesteryear. Lose yourself in the alleys which rise and which meander. At the top of the ramparts, the panorama offers a privileged view of the city.
Why you need to go visit Quebec City and its surroundings

2 district du Petit Champlain 

A stroll in this district to relive the history of the Canada and discover the customs of the inhabitants of new France. The place is accessible via a funicular which will allow you to admire the St. Lawrence River and lower town. Very touristy, the area offers a multitude of good bars and restaurants.
Why you need to go visit Quebec City and its surroundings

3. lower town

The lower town is rich in history and you can easily access by funicular or by the breakneck stairs! A nice area to discover where it is good to walk and wander around the shops and restaurants.

4. the High City / Upper Town

You move from the upper town to the lower town, the city has managed to preserve its charm. The old stones so that the characteristic architecture of the region attracts the eye and we transport to another time.

5 the Place Royale

Place Royale is an also nice beautiful place the winter than the summer. Here you will discover the cradle of the new France through a wonderfully preserved heritage. It is easy to walk around the place and enjoy the shops, restaurants, art galleries, artisans of all kinds and the museums.

6. Notre-Dame of Quebec

The Basilica is located in the historic district of old-Québec in Quebec City, facing the Quebec City hotel. It was classified a historical monument in 1961. It is also the Church of the oldest parish in North America! She was raised to the rank of minor Basilica by Pope Pius IX in 1874.

7. Promenade Samuel - Of Champlain

This promenade is located next to river and near the bridges of Quebec and Pierre Laporte. It is about a pretty park done up on 2,5 kilometres which gives St Laurent to the walkers, to the cyclists, to the amateurs of roller skate and to the motorists of new perspectives on the banks of the river.
Why you need to go visit Quebec City and its surroundings

8. Park of Chute-Montmorency

Between river and cliffs, it is one of the most spectacular sites of Quebec. With its 83 metres high, imposing fall Montmorency dominates the landscape. They can achieve it on foot, in cable or since the Manor Montmorency. In 20 minutes of road of the city of Quebec (Envisage a tenancy of car or an excursion).
Why you need to go visit Quebec City and its surroundings

9. The Citadel of Quebec

The citadel is an amazing fortress in the form of star with walls of an impressive height. Encircled with a park, the site offers guided visits and small museum. You should not also miss the relay of the nurse, a must!
Why you need to go visit Quebec City and its surroundings

10. The park of battlefields / Battlefields Park

This park was create to celebrate the tercentenary of Quebec in 1908. Very living, he gives numerous activities as open-air concerts or else the practice of numerous sports up to date on the year.

11. Wendake

Located in 15 kilometres of the city of Quebec, dive in the middle of autochthonous culture with amérindienne huronne-wendate reservation. Discover the more coloured costumes some than the others, morals, legends, way of life, food and other usages. You will also be able to stay in the hotel-museum and immerse yourselves in amérindienne culture.

12. the Funicular railway

A good original means of transport to avoid the staircases Frontenac which are very pitched. Constructed in 1879, this funicular railway links up the quarter of Small Champlain in the Low - City with the terrace Dufferin in the top of the Cape Diamond where you will use a panoramic view of the river Saint-Laurent and the Low - City.

13. Quebec City Bulwarks Ice hockey

How not to go to Canada without having seen a match of Ice hockey there? Sports number one in the country, the team of the Bulwarks of Quebec plays every match in the ice rink of Colisée Pepsi in front of more than 15 000 audience. Guaranteed ambience!

14. Carry St Louis

The Door St-Louis is one of numerous front-doors to achieve inside the fortifications of Old Quebec. In epoch, these doors had been constructed to block the access to the city of all sides. Today, they were adapted in order to make easier access for cars.

15. Mega Parc

It is the most important internal amusement park in Quebec. come in family or between friends use about twenty carousels, about sixty arcades and mini-golf. A nice internal ice rink for free skating and for occasional parties of ice hockey is put at your disposal.

About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.


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